Thursday, January 1, 2009

And So, It Began...

One fine morning, the student president came to the campus and we decided that today would be the day.

The past few days had been one of the most irritating days in college. You know, those times when you are full enthu about something and ready to put into action all those ideas into perspective, but are hampered by few people higher up the hierarchy. It is not that they are determined to be road blocks, but they worry about the most trivial of matters, which we students hardly worry about. It was one such time.

Towards the end of the semester in April, when we had those 'so called' study holidays, we made our first attempt to infuse some of our ideas into our convener. We were rebuffed within minutes siting the fact that 'our career determining' exams were round the corner and whatever we had to say could wait. 'Yeah right, we would love to stay back and have a chat with you after exams' I thought. But sadly, we had to. I had decided ages ago that I will stay back, come what may, with a project to fill my time. But my chairman, poor fellow, had an arrangement made in his hometown and had to postpone his plans to accommodate this meeting.

So the 'crucial' exams got over and within hours we were back in his office.

He made us sit down and inquired about our exams and our plans for the holidays. We answered his queries and at the end of the next ten minutes, we were slightly impatient to get on with our job in hand. Alas!, that was just the beginning. The following two hours we were discussing some of the most obscure topics peppered with some unwelcome interventions by a variety of people. And finally when we came to the topic of our interest he was too tired to listen and we were too tired to explain. And at the end of a brief try he tells us that he is going on vacation for fifteen days. God save us. My chairman left home immediately and I was resigned to my project.

Today, he returned bringing with him the good news that 'The Man' is back. We decided that a presentation in print would be our best solution to avoid the diversions. And so we sat down after breakfast at about noon time and incorporated our thoughts, ideas, possible difficulties and their solutions in a forty three page ppt. We fixed an appointment late in the evening. Both of us were hungry and half emptied our pockets at samfox and dhabba one. Unfortunately we couldn't procure the print in campus and had to go to Thiru. We got a mixture of high quality and low quality prints summing up to four copies of the original.

We were already late and hurried to catch the local bus to return and to our utter dismay we found out that all we had was a torn tattered ten rupee note which the conductor duly rejected. After all the delays we had so far, this was the most unexpected and hilarious. But fortunately, one kind young man on the bus offered to buy the tickets for us. I regret that I never asked him his name, but without him we probably would have had to leg three thousand five hundred metres not to mention yet another delay in the process. Thank you dear friend. We rushed to the convener's room and he took our presentation and went through it straight away. And So, it Began...

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