Wednesday, June 6, 2012

An environment day special!

It was the month of December. The Chennai autumn was unusually chilly and I needed some more warmth. Warmth in my mind and not the physical warmth. A satisfaction of taking care of something. Something of my own. Something that depends on me, that lives with me but cannot live without me. The sense of responsibility. The sense of a routine.

That's when I met Pari. She lived in a packet hanging onto dear life. She was budding and young, ready to sprout into a matured and beautiful adult. It was friendship at first sight. I decided it has to be her. I got her a new home. A bigger home. With all the support that she needed. I carried her away from her foster home and adopted her to be my own.

She promised a lot to me as well. The friend who listened to me in all adversity, silently and patiently. Swaying away from side to side understanding my worries and concerns. The mentor who showed me the patience required to make every budding idea into fruitful results. The tutor who taught me that in every branch lost in life is a firewood gained to kindle new thoughts. The teacher who instilled in me the value, every breath of air lived to help someone else adds more life to oneself. The big sister who provided me the shade required when scorched by the heat of this world. The mother who took care of me, fed me and never asked me a why or a what.

All this for some water in exchange everyday. She was the best. The spring was impending. She was blooming and bursting. There could be nothing that goes wrong. Or so I thought.

Then they came. The swarming worms who just cannot stand looking at somoeone who gives something to them. They wanted more. More and more. Pari, was willing to give. She gave and gave. Gave and gave. But one cannot keep giving forever. She had to take back something or die. Sadly, the worms never understood this, nor could she tell them. Her demise was a great blow to me. But even in her death, Pari just told me "Life is short dear. Live it to the fullest, the way you can".


Vaidy said...

parina enna?

Appu said...

Anna, Pari is the name of a pot plant :)